Brand story

First Timer Help was founded with an altruistic spirit and resourceful, pro-active, and versatile objectives: to offer and simplify comprehensive content to first-timer queries, anticipatory issues, and experiences while spearheading intellectual curiosity.

Every brand story begins with a problem. Ours being: Absence of an all-inclusive brand for first-time queries.

Growing up with an ordinary childhood, I had to figure out how to handle several first-time queries and anticipatory needs.

Hopping from one source to the other in pursuit of solutions inspired the idea of creating an all round-hub devoted to handling first-time issues.

Blog sections


Tech gadgets, software tools, AI, Product reviews, tech trends and tricks, business automation, extensions, apps, video games, How-to guides, pros and cons listicles and FAQs.

Health & Fitness

Fitness tips, strength training and muscle building, body hygiene, recipes, workout gear, supplements, organic diets, paleo diets, healthy living and lifestyle changes.

Photography & Travel

Street, wedding, outdoor, fine art, wildlife, landscape, nightscape and portrait photography. Solo tripping, backpacking, sightseeing, traveling, globe-trotting and luxury hotel tours.

Self Improvement

Meditation, yoga, book and movie reviews, career choices, growth and tips, side hustle, finding hobbies and passion, spirituality, productivity, knitting, running, mountaineering, trekking, rock climbing, ball games and endurance sports.

Home & Gardening

Parenting, pets, solo parenting, relationships, Interior design, gardening ideas, tips and tricks, winter gardening, eco gardening, home buying, DIY home improvement tips and trends.


Investing, cryptocurrencies, minimalism, personal finance, getting out of debt, real estate, stock markets, higher education, vacations and frugal living.

Mission statement

To be the go-to source for credible, inspirational, educational, trend jacking, entertaining and high quality resourceful content for all first timers.

Brand core values

Here are the ethos that describe the brand:

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